Boris Kodjoe graced the cover of Afropolitain and during his interview we got a glimpse into his philanthropy, his family life and how he views his place in the world. One of those things that stands out for him is his ability to center everything he does around his family. 

He married his wife Nicole Parker after meeting her on set, while filming Showtime’s Soul Food. From there, the story unfolded and they became a couple that today’s standards would deem “goals.”  With two kids, and now both in their teens, the family has shown through a slew of social media posts just how family centered they are.  It is not uncommon for Kodjoe to post about his wife, about his kids and their happy life together. In fact, here are 14 reasons why every family man (and woman) should follow Boris Kodjoe on social media. He will show you just the way to succeed in keeping your family happy and making sure you lead a life your kids can look up to.

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