Owing to spiraling violence and targeted killings of Sudanese nationals by rogue youths in the country, a nationwide curfew has been imposed with the aim of restoring sanity and preventing further bloodshed in the country. Starting January 17, 2025, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., the curfew came in the wake of retaliatory attacks, which the people of South Sudan went on, following gory videos that went viral across social networks of their people being killed by the Sudanese Armed Forces in Wad Madani, Sudan.
The violence erupted following the news that at least 29 South Sudanese people died in clashes at Wad Madani, leaving South Sudanese people in a fury. The young men carrying machetes and clubs entered the Sudanese-owned business outlets in Juba and other cities, including Aweil, sparking off high levels of looting and destruction of property, police said. Police declared that three people died and seven people were injured as the police tried to control rioters.
The curfew was imposed by Inspector of Police Abraham Manyuat Peter as one of the measures to try to contain the violence and safeguard public and private property. He said laws on enforcement of law and order must be followed, and he called on citizens to report any criminal activities. “We will not tolerate any violations that threaten public security,” Manyuat said in a news briefing.
The clashes have raised big concerns over safety for Sudanese nationals and local communities. Apart from the curfew, authorities have ordered all businesses to close by 5 p.m. with a view to preventing possible confrontations at night. It is reported that police were able to save 45 Sudanese traders trapped during the violence and are currently under police protection.

The situation is more complex as huge numbers are streaming into South Sudan from Sudan due to the humanitarian situation in Sudan. The fighting between rival military factions in Sudan has created severe shortages of food and huge displacements, increasing tensions between communities across the border.
It is now upon them to regain confidence among fellow citizens and guarantee the security of foreign nationals within their territory amidst their struggle to come to terms with these acts of violence. The imposition of this curfew is literally a cry of desperation for stability amidst rising ethnic clashes and a necessary balancing act that community relations require in a region still nursing fresh wounds from years of conflict.