Ingredients: (for 4 people)
For the mushroom broth:
1 tray of fresh mushrooms
2 red bell peppers
1 onion
1 packet of spice stock
1 maggi shrimp seasoning
1 fresh red pepper
1 carrot
1 ginger
1 celery stick

For the mixed exotic vegetables:
5 okras
1 sweet potato
2 onions
1 carrot
1 yam
tomatoes of different colors
1 handful of dehydrated black mushrooms
1 eggplant
4 pieces of squid

Preparation of the broth:
• Wash, peel and cut the different vegetables.
• Brown the mushrooms in a pan, add the garnish, the various spices.
• Add water at same level and let simmer slowly for 30 minutes.
• Reduce if necessary and filter through a cheesecloth.
• Adjust the seasoning then place the red pepper on top of  the broth
without cutting it so that it diffuses its flavors into the broth, finally
keep it aside away from the fire.

Preparation of the mixed vegetables:
• Wash and cut up the sweet potato.
• Put in a saucepan with some milk at same level and cook for 10 to 15
minutes to make the puree.
• Cut the raw carrots into thin strips and set aside in ice water.
• Cut the different raw tomatoes and season them lightly with olive oil
and salt and set aside as well.
• Cut the onions in half, sprinkle some sugar on them with a knob of
butter and bake for 15 minutes.
• Boil some water, blanch the okras, the eggplant and the yam.
• Fry in pan with a knob of butter all the ingredients as well as the
dehydrated mushrooms and squid.
• Serve the vegetables and broth in an appropriate bowl.

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