Ruth Negga and Tessa Thompson star in the film adaptation of Passing, a book that tackles the complexities of race and colorism in the 1920s, during the Harlem Renaissance. The film, by the same name, is directed by Rebecca Hall, who worked on the script for 13 years, before bringing it to fruition, as her directorial debut. The book piqued her interest in her own identity complexities within her family. According to The Grio Hall unearthing something that was deeply buried in her family’s history. Her grandfather passed as white, because of his lighter skin. From there, she found a passion for the project, and made it her mission to bring it to audiences around the world, in its film form.

While participating in a conversation about the film, the lead actresses Negga and Thompson added some candid remarks. They discussed race and colorism in Hollywood, and they hit a nerve with each other, explaining how they personally dealt with the issue, as lighter skin actresses. The interview with The Grio is included below. Watch the very transparent dialogue below.


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Passing can be seen during its limited theater run and on Netflix.


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