Shea butter is created from the nut of the karate shea tree, that can be found in Africa. Unre- fined, raw shea butter contains many vita- mins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. It has a long history of use for moisturi- zing, anti inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. The benefits of shea butter extend from your head to your toes, it soothes and hydrates, and has a balan- cing effect on your skin. It can be used as a treatment for a dry scalp, chapped lips, dry skin, and soften cracked skin. Shea butter is a natural anti-inflam- matory, which means you can use it to heal a cut on your finger, or burn on your hand. And it can also ease pain from muscle fatigue, arthritis, and others. For example, one study showed a major reduction in inflammation in the nasal cavity : when participants were given 2-4 applications of shea butter.

In today’s world, everyone wants to look younger and shea butter can help you with that. The fatty acids in shea butter contain the vitamins A and E. These maintain skin’s elasticity and suppleness. Studies have also shown that shea butter can rebuild and rejuvenate collagen in the skin. When study participants were given shea butter, they showed clearer, brighter skin, less wrinkles and a reduction in
sun damage.
When using shea butter, it must be raw and unrefined, like most things, when processed, it loses almost all of its healing properties. Raw shea butter lacks any added chemical and fragrances, and less likely to cause allergy or irritation. Raw shea butter must be used quickly, within 18 mon- ths of extraction, to avoid it becoming rancid. Refining and processing shea butter hides the impurity, making it more difficult to know that it is no lon- ger usable.
So, why not give it a try? Shea but- ter just might be the butter you’ve been waiting for that you never knew about.