True story! The horror of female genital mutilation, survivor tells-all! Black with Sugar Podcast 11 ➡️In this week’s episode of Black with Sugar podcast, → Keziah and Nadia address a very difficult subject, Female Genital Mutilation, also called genital cutting, female circumcision, Sunatan or Khatna… FGM is the removal of the external female genitalia, it is a cultural tradition that affects millions of women worldwide. →They interview Fati, an FGM survivor who underwent female mutilation at a very young age. She recounts the trauma of her experience which still haunts her today in her adult life. Through the interview we learn more about this tradition, the physical and psychological wounds that it left behind. The reason why it is practiced but also the possibility to undergo reconstructive surgery to reverse it. ↪️ Although the subject of this week’s podcast is intense. It’s with a lot of compassion and sometimes humor that the girls approach the subject and end it on a beautiful note, with Fati also known as @faticomedienne, performing her “poetry slam” recounting her traumatic experience.

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