The question of diaspora has been raised time and time again, but globalization is making it a more prevalent concern. Consumer culture extends to every continent, making it possible to find anything anywhere. Under such conditions, it is no surprise that many have adopted a global mindset and are eager to belong. Some have found it necessary to dampen their own heritage to assimilate.

“The youth leaving Africa for new lives overseas are no different. When they forget their origins, they generally face more problems.”

The youth leaving Africa for new lives overseas are no different. When they forget their origins, they generally face more problems. In France, they are nicknamed Bounty (black outside, white inside) by black people. It indicates a black person who behaves like an Occidental (someone originally from Europe or America) and discards their home values in favor of those belonging to the host country.

And yet, keeping one’s roots while overseas is the best way to integrate, provided you accept and assimilate to some part of your host country as well. We must not forget where we come from. We must not reject the values of the nation that is hosting us either. Instead, we must enrich ourselves with both cultures.

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Guillaume Mahot